Fake is for last night? Ok Tab you couldnt possibly be talking about sex, could you? Dont buy fake handbags just fake it in the sack. Of course real moments of intamcy dont campare to the fine sewn fabrics of the newest designer handbag. You couldnt have materials used to make up your purse or bag not be genuine, the purse/bag couldnt function properly. All sarcasm aside this ad couldnt say less about there product if they blured out the tab logo from the can in the bottom of the ad. This ad is trying to appeal to wealth or popularity/status. I could imagine some hoighty toighty rich snoot getting a chucke from this ad. Apparently I missed the message that being fabulous came from a can. Though it may be deliciously pink(whatever that means) there is no information about the product or facts to back up how women are somehow in need of a differnt enery than a man. Two thumbs down tab.
Ad.1. According to this Calvin Clein ad you need to be living the dream. I'm forced to imagine that their version of the dream will be supplied by them once you buy Euphoria. I'm thinking that by calling this fragrance Euphoria they are really saying that happiness and confidance are just dreams and not something that a person can really acheive. So spray this on and be disilliusioned, perhaps language is not the most important thing for a company to focus on when deciding the name's and slogans for a product. It seems counterintuitive to label something with a definition that doesnt run parrallel to its slogan. Euphoria being great happiness and than reffering to living that way as a dream. More than likely I'm way to literal but this ad wouldnt sell me.
Ad.2. "Pump up the volume," "yeah she rocks," a young woman might think associating the word volume with music comming from the headphones the model in the ad is wearing. The words are purposly misleading. The advertisement says this is a volumizing lipstick that pulls moisture in. If I'm suggested to accept that volume is the power behind this ads punch, I might be just as inclined to think it could make the woman talk louder when assosiated with the headphones and that definition of volume. Word assosiation is the only connection between the picture and the product.
This outdoor ad trying to capitolize of the rise or accpetacne in divorce says a little by showing alot. The fallcy is false image. There are two attractive bodies calling to the consumers eyes,"you can have us just get a divorce." Getting a divorce to trade up is the message giving a false sense of whats important to the passerby checking out the sign.
False information or simply lack of any. This dyson ad is saying other vacums will clog up and not work. Somehow there brand is impecable to any type of clogging or mishap. Its astrong stance to take but there is no evidence supported in the ad to validate this false claim.
A horrible ad alltogether. This watch ad was pulled from the internet and I hope it is not an actual ad but was worth commenting on. Placed in front of a thomas kinkade painting these watches are put up in comparision when these popular selling modern works of art. Knowing off hand that these paintings are not cheap I am to assume that these watches are also not cheap and are intentionally being marketed to the same audience of people. All most to say if you appreciate Kinkades artwork then you must also appreciate these fine watches.
A different approach for mabeline. Alltough interesting this advertisement appeals to novelty. Goth boys and girls arent running out to buy mabeline based on this ad. Its humeruos and will stick in someones mind for that reason alone. Women concerned with this type of make up product are not being persuaded by the beauty(or lack) of Marilyn Manson. Since when did Mabeline become a product for men anyways.
I dont speak spanish but its not hard to see that there is some type of drink being sold in the ad. Or is it? At second look there's someting else "butt"ing into the spotlight. This ad is really selling that butt, but putting a soda next it to assosiate their product with it. Obcious but effective in this day and age.
What stikes me odd about this ad is the false dilema. What appears to be a ciggertte ad trying to bring you to where the flavor is actually is an ad for candy. Its a parody of a common marlboro man style ad but as you can see the buldge in the mans cheek is where the flavor lies.
This could seem like medication to lift your spirtis, help with anxiety or maybe help with your cooridnation. All though its none of that. Its for erection medication. The mans happiness is suppose to be comming from the fact that all his worries and problems dissapeared when he was able to achieve and erection. Thanks levitra, if only a confident erection could help everyone. Sadly these types of advertisements make attempt to show that if your not as happy as the man in the ad then your porobolly not having a good sex life. Sex sells and its where happiness comes from. Not really but I guess thats what I'm suppose to belive while seeing that ad.
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