Saturday, June 9, 2007

Rape by Soldiers

On May 11, 2005, Bitondo Nyumba was raped by three government army soldiers in her home in the Democratic Republic of Congo. After a series of medical interventions, and despite the efforts of local human rights NGOs and Amnesty International to ensure she received proper care, she died of her injuries in late June. To date, no action has been taken by the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Background Information
Bitondo Nyumba was a 56-year-od woman. She was attacked and raped in her home in the village of Katungulu, Tanganyika collectivité, Fizi territory, South-Kivu province, on 11 May 2005. The rape was committed by soldiers of the Bikeombo (Nundu) Batallion of the 117th FARDC Brigade. Bitondo Nyumba subsequently died of her injuries, apparently because of a lack of adequate medical care in the state hospitals at Nundu and Uvira.

1 comment:

BC said...

Seeing that information about this has become public in some format (though not a front-page story anywhere, I suspect) there must be some organization that has at least gone through the trouble to attempt to publicize the case. Who might that be?