Sunday, June 10, 2007



SharkySpy said...

Very graphic! What stages are these pictures at? Are any of them before 8 weeks?

ladybug said...

Whoa! I had to stop listening to your debate becuz these pictures pulled at me. Very eye-opening and excellent emphasis for the pro side.

J said...

Thanks, Adder, for the quick techwork getting these up.

simplyjessie07 said...

These pictures are taken when the babies are between 16-20 weeks of pregnancy as missminemo mentioned. This is the most inhumane way of killing a life.
Thankyou very much for the pro-side compliment.

simplyjessie07 said...

Thankyou Adderemcee for the help putting up the slides on the blog.
Really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

no problem

missminemo212 said...

These images are graphic too, but search for Gerri Santoro on Google Image. You'll see a very disturbing photo of the woman who died of back-alley abortion. It happened before abortion was legal.

badimpulsecontrol said...

these are loads of crock propaganda pictures having nothing to do with actual aborted fetus