This ad is taken from the Daily Mail, UK, September 2006.
In this case, the induction involves generalization from the study of French Fat Women Population.According to the survey conducted, he concluded that one-third of French women population is fat and thin women is just a myth.
He also made a hasty generalization by saying, "Women's waistlines are certainly expanding the fastest." where he judged all women by a small range of fat French women.
He has also favored a comment made by Professor Arnaud," Women appear to be more affected than men." where he has made a false analogy be comparing men and women even though they have different bodily structures.
Do you guys agree with these fallacies?
Can more fallacies be formed from this newspaper ad?
Yes I agree - I think the fallacy also depends on whether or not he studied all of those people, or did he just sample the population. Also, did they measure guys against women as far as whose waistline grew the fastest? I think you found an ad that has a lot of fallacies, when I get more time I am going to look closer. Good job!
Thanks Sharkyspy!!!
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