First, this is a "false analogy" fallacy because it compares shampoo (a manmade material) with nature.
Second, I am not sure which fallacy it would fall under, but the "urge of nature" is not a thing that is definable in common terms. One person's idea of the urge of nature would be different than another's. To be honest I dont even know what the "urge of nature" means to me, it is a confusing and ambiguous statement.
Yes, I agree with your fallacy, a false analogy as what does this shampoo have to do with the urge of nature. Urge means an exertion of impelling force. Here the author of the ad is changing the subject by mentioning the impelling force of nature where his focus should've been describing the shampoo.
Is this ad the real advertisement for Herbal Essences? It looks like someone took a picture of a Sailor Venus cosplayer and put it together with a background and shampoo... Anyways, it doesn't make any difference because it is a fallacy. I think shampoo commercial and ads often times compare their product with nature, but it is a false anology since shampoo is a man-made product. I don't get how urge of nature relates with shampoo.
what site did you go
to for this ad?
Are there others?
Um yeah - about that...I cant seem to locate the page I found this advertisement on. After today's class I realized that I need to do a better job of documenting my sources :)
I do think I can accept false analogy here, based on Sharkyspy's explanation. I think he's digging in a rich area with his charge of ambiguity, too, though. If we compare it with "The call of the wild" or, closer, "natural urges" and the relationships between herbal and the sort of personifications of nature, too, more fallacies will appear.
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