Friday, June 29, 2007

Future Posts, Future possibilities

Future posts and a continuing presence both sound wonderful to me if somebody cares to keep it up. The site doesn't cost me anything, and it doesn't really cost me any upkeep.

All it requires is people willing to make entries.

If this would interest a few people, but perhaps few enough that you-all would like a larger community, one possibility would be to consolidate a community with the interested students of various classes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Future Posts??

Can we log on to this blog in future for intellectual interactions such news or amazing stuff happening around the world, etc. ???

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Just happened across this. The français says, "This is not a pipe," about as plain as that. What do you think?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

It has been a pleasure...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for an enjoyable and thought provoking class. It has been a pleasure interacting with each and every one of you, to include BC. Classes are designed to give you a better understanding of a topic or subject - this class taught me how to understand the process of gathering that information; to sort through it and determine what is possibly useful and what is "FALLACY". I thought we were in trouble when we spent the first class arguing over the existence or definition of a chair - or for that matter, whether it was a chair at all. I must admit there were days when I left class feeling like my frontal lobe was going to explode. In the end, I think this class has given me better tools to analyze life's information with - and for that I thank BC.
I wish everyone success in their future education and endeavors. Take care, and hopefully I will see some of you in future classes!